QST Collins Index

Collins related articles appearing in QST...
Compiled by WF2A & WA3KEY

A = Article
H = Hints and Kinks
R = Recent Equipment

Feb 1997 (A) pg44  How Arthur Collins met Robert Goddard
Jan 1989 (H) pg38  Collins R-390A, Better SSB
May 1987 (A) pg51  Arthur Collins, W0CXX, SK
Jul 1983 (A) pg38  Collins Equipment 40 Meter Coverage Change
Jun 1983 (A) pg41  Collins 32S and KWM Transmitters on WARC Bands
May 1983 (A) pg41  Collins Equipment and 30 Meters
Oct 1982 (R) pg36  KWM-380 Product Review
Jan 1982 (A) pg22  WARC Bands and 160Meters on the 75S-1
Nov 1980 (A) pg51  Updating the 75S-1 Extended Frequency Modification
Feb 1980 (A) pg45  Increasing the Collins 75S-() Callibration Injection
Oct 1979 (H) pg77  Collins 312B-4 and 312B-5 Now Registered Phone Patches
Feb 1979 (H) pg30  A Noise Blanker for the Collins S-Line
Dec 1978 (A) pg39  Collins 32S-3 VOX Delay
Jun 1978 (R) pg40  Collins Mechanical Filter Product Review
Aug 1978 (H) pg32  Collins Oscillator Dropout (75A-4)
May 1978 (A) pg20  VHF Coverage for Collins S/Line Receivers
Nov 1977 (H) pg45  AVC Action on the KWM-2
Oct 1977 (A) pg28  An Extended Frequency Range for the Collins 75S-1
Dec 1976 (A) pg28  Adapting the KWM-2 for Radioteletype Operation
Sep 1974 (A) pg39  Additional Frequency Ranges for the Collins 75S-3
Feb 1974 (A) pg32  Improved Break-In with the Collins 75S-3B
Jan 1974 (H) pg44  A Lock for the Collins KWM-2 Mobile Mount
Mar 1973 (A) pg40  A Contest Spotting Switch for the 32S-3
Feb 1973 (H) pg47  Preventing Transistor Failure in the MP-1 Mobile PS
Apr 1972 (H) pg61  ART-13 on 160-meters
Sep 1971 (H) pg47  A Product Detector for the 51J-4
Feb 1971 (H) pg47  75S-3 Audio Modification
Sep 1970 (A) pg47  CW Break-In for the Collins S/Line
Dec 1969 (A) pg31  A Phone Patch for the Collins S Line
Mar 1969 (A) pg18  A CW Filter for the Collins 75S-1 Receiver
Dec 1968 (A) pg38  Further Improvements in the 32S-3
Dec 1967 (H) pg46  VOX-to-PTT Modification for the KWM-2
Mar 1967 (A) pg38  Receiver Offset Tuning for the KWM-2
Apr 1967 (A) pg38  Cross-Band Operation with the 32S-3 and 75S-3
Apr 1967 (A) pg35  Independent Frequency Control with the 32S-1 and 75S-3
May 1966 (A) pg43  More on S-Line Break-In Keying
Jun 1965 (H) pg51  The KWM-2 and Ranger on Field Day
Mar 1965 (A) pg69  7360 Mixers in the 75A-4
Dec 1964 (A) pg16  Transistor Keyer/Muter for Collins S-Line
Dec 1964 (H) pg182 Using VHF Converters with the Collins S-Line Receivers
Nov 1964 (A) pg46  Cleaner Break-In with the 32S-3
Jul 1964 (A) pg18  7360 Mixers in the 75A-4
May 1964 (H) pg59  10Mc WWV with the Collins Receiver
Dec 1963 (A) pg50  Instantaneous Break-In with the Collins S-Line
Nov 1963 (R) pg52  Collins 62S-1 VHF Converter
Jul 1963 (H) pg75  4CX250 Tube Life in the KWS-1 Transmitter
Jun 1963 (A) pg48  A.M for Collins with Front Panel Control
May 1963 (H) pg55  Improving CW Selectivity of the Collins 75A-4
Feb 1963 (R) pg46  Collins 32S-3 Transmitter
Oct 1962 (H) pg71  Automatic GSB-1-1 & KWM-2 Operation
Oct 1962 (R) pg54  Waters Q-Multiplier for 75S-1 and KWM-2
Apr 1962 (H) pg63  Mobile Power Supply for the KWM-2
Apr 1962 (H) pg62  Improving the Performance of the 75S-2 Receiver
Apr 1962 (A) pg38  Clean AM with S-Line Units
Feb 1962 (R) pg52  Collins 75S-3 Receiver
Nov 1961 (R) pg67  Collins 30L-1 Linear Amplifier
Sep 1961 (A) pg26  A.M. with the Collins SSB Units
Aug 1960 (H) pg49  Extra coverage on 20 with the KWM-1
Mar 1960 (H) pg48  KWS-1 Hint
Nov 1959 (H) pg54  Two-Tone Test with the 32S-1
Nov 1959 (R) pg46  Collins Noise Blanker (KWM-1, KWM-2, 75A-4, 75S-1)
Nov 1959 (A) pg41  50Mc SSB with the Collins KWM-1
Jun 1959 (H) pg60  A Panadapter Connection for the 75A-4
May 1959 (A) pg22  75 Meters with a KWM-1
Feb 1959 (H) pg50  Hint Concerning the KWM-1
Apr 1958 (R) pg23  KWM-1
Apr 1958 (A) pg62  SSB Reception with the Universal Service Product Detector
May 1958 (H) pg76  Audio Muting for the 75-A4
Feb 1956 (H) pg47  Service Hint for Collins Series 75A Receivers
Jul 1955 (A) pg25  Modifying the 75A-2 and 75A-3 Receivers
Apr 1955 (R) pg41  The 75A-4 Receiver
Sep 1954 (H) pg39  Notes on Selectivity Control for the Collins 75A-3
Apr 1954 (A) pg38  Putting the Collins 32V on 160
Jan 1954 (A) pg35  Adding a Mechanical Filter to the 75A-1
Jun 1953 (A) pg54  Art Collins, W0CXX
Sep 1947 (R) pg54  Collins 75A Receiver

Aug 1953 (A) pg32  Magnetostriction Devices and Mechanical Filters for
                    Radio Frequencies, Part III Mechanical Filters
Jul 1953 (A) pg28  Magnetostriction Devices and Mechanical Filters for
                    Radio Frequencies, Part II Filter Applications
Jun 1953 (A) pg24  Magnetostriction Devices and Mechanical Filters for
                    Radio Frequencies, Part I Magnetostriction Resonators

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This Home Page was created by wa3key, Saturday, September 14, 1996
Most recent revision Friday, August 16, 2002